🤖 The AI Software Engineer Revolution: Is This the End for Programmers?

Vitalii Shevchuk
Level Up Coding
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2024


Just a century ago, fields and factories were the primary workplaces. The rise of automation shifted the landscape, and now, artificial intelligence is poised to disrupt yet another sector: software engineering. The whispers about AI replacing programmers are getting louder, and tools like Devin are fueling the fire.

What is Devn, and why the panic?

Developed by Cognition Labs, Devin is touted as “the first AI software engineer.” It’s more than just code generation; Devin can access the same tools human developers use — browsers, code editors, terminals — and autonomously solve problems. It can search for solutions online, write code, fix errors, and iterate until the task is done. This loop-based learning is a huge leap forward.

Devin already outperforms other AI tools on the software engineering benchmark, solving GitHub issues correctly about 14% of the time. While not perfect, this marks significant progress. Imagine this potential combined with the parallel code generation of…



Vitalii Shevchuk
Level Up Coding

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